
My name is Levi Pierpont. I grew up Evangelical, the third child of Baptist parents. I’m a writer, anti-war veteran, language learner, student, and I’m queer. I am a religious naturalist, nontheistic Quaker with a worldview informed by Thiền Buddhist philosophy and practice, among other influences. I began learning American Sign Language in college classes and I continue to learn more. I began studying Filipino (Tagalog) in January of 2023 and am interested in the interaction of Philippine languages with English as an illustration of the worldwide linguistic impacts of American imperialism and media influence.

On February 25th, 2024, my friend, Aaron Bushnell, lit himself on fire outside of the Israeli embassy in Washington, DC, to protest Israel’s US-funded genocide of Palestinians. Since then, I’ve tried to spread the message he died for, and work from my experience as a conscientious objector, to speak out against the military industrial complex and the United States’ unconditional support for Israel.


Interview with Democracy Now

Interview with The Daily Moth

Conversation with Eric Han, The Cornell Daily Sun

Guardian Piece

If you’d like to get in contact me, feel free to use the form on the contact page. Regarding press inquiries, know that I intend to focus my work on shifting the perspectives of Americans, and I am interested in podcasts and written publications more than live broadcasts or anything made for YouTube at this time.

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